Hello👋 I'm Jason Zhang

A computer science student at University of Washington

I'm focused on applying data science and machine learning to various interdisciplinary fields.


Who I Am

As a computer science student at the University of Washington, I am passionate about using technology, specifically artificial intelligence and machine learning, to solve real-world problems in various interdisciplinary fields such as medicine and political science. I have gained a strong foundation in programming, software development, and machine learning through my coursework and internship experiences, including developing mobile apps and websites using cutting-edge frameworks and libraries and using NLP to contextualize large datasets.

I am proficient in languages such as C/C++, C#, Java/Kotlin, JavaScript/TypeScript, Python, and Rust, and have experience with web development libraries/frameworks like React.js, Next.js, Tailwindcss, and Node.JS and ML libraries like PyTorch, spaCy, and flair. I am excited to continue learning and using my skills to make a positive impact through my work as a developer.

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Currently looking for internship opportunities! Contact me.

Check out some of my latest projects.



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Jason Zhang

Software Engineer

I am looking for summer internships and research positions. Contact me!

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